
classes are the premium way for children to learn about science; not just see it being demonstrated and talked about, or to read about it in text books, but to actually touch it and experience it themselves (even students that opt for our virtual option will pick up their kit of materials at the beginning of each month).  

To that end, Little Beakers founder and polymers chemist, Cinttya Morgan, has developed a comprehensive 3-level curriculum that covers all the sciences, caters to children of ages 6 to 16, and has both in-lab and virtual options.

Scroll down to see details on our Home School classes.

Select a Location for Session Times, Pricing or to Register:


  • Learning gained from hands-on experimental activities will be enhanced through the use and/or the study of:

    • STEM, engineering & robotics projects

    • Microscopes and other lab equipment

    • Preserved specimens for dissections

    • Atoms and molecular building models

    • The periodic table

    • Key historical scientists and inventors

    • Real lab experiences / field trips for the older students

  • Complete transcript of material covered that can be used for credit provided upon request

  • Kits provided at the beginning of each month for students enrolled in our virtual classes

  • Three levels available