VIRTUAL Science Services Now Available!

Check with the location nearest you for availability of the following VIRTUAL services.


Schedule your party online and then pick up or have your science kits mailed complete with bowl, beaker, glasses, materials and bags to put your creations in. And don’t forget the explosion tube and Mentos for the birthday boy or girl.

Once the day arrives, log into your private Zoom meeting and a LIVE Little Beakers scientist will guide your party guests through the hands-on experiments.

Group Sessions

We have several options when you have a group of kids you need to entertain for an hour or so…

In-Lab field trip - As always, a fast-paced, organized, educational and fun hour of hands-on experiments! We will ensure that yours is the only field trip in the lab at that time.

We Come to You - Same as the In-Lab field trip except we bring everything with us and you just provide us the lab area.

Science Kits - We will prepare however many kits you need and deliver them to your door! We can either guide your group through the experiment set via a Zoom session or provide self-guided procedures that you can follow along. It’s that easy!

Digital Dissections

If you can’t make it into the lab or it’s just too early for you, we understand. Fortunately, you can continue to attend our digital dissection series for your dissection fix. Although we can’t send specimens, a model of the specimen will be emailed to all participants, which can be printed, cut out and assembled prior to the dissection Zoom session.

During the session itself, with the help of the paper model, a Little Beakers scientist will use a camera for regular shots and a digital microscope for the close ups.

Home School Classes

Fortunately, we believe the learning must not stop! Even if you can’t make it into the lab at this time, we are still conducting weekly hands-on science sessions. Sign up for virtual classes and pick up your materials at the beginning of each month. Sessions are approximately 40-minutes duration with follow up tasks required of the students.

Trevor Morgan